Knoll Gallery


The 2024 list of galleries and information about their appearance at the fair can be viewed by clicking here

Knoll Gallery Budapest opened its doors in 1989 as the region´s first privately owned gallery. In cooperation with Knoll Galerie Wien it creates a consistent program: shows works of Hungarian and other Eastern European artists in the West, while those living in the West are shown in this area. In addition to the exhibitions presenting the works of artists represented by the gallery (AES+F, Ákos Birkás, Blue Noses, Tony Cragg, Paul Horn, Otis Laubert, Mara Mattuschka, Klára Rudas), it also houses thematic exhibitions in connection with theoretical discourses defining contemporary art. Besides maintaining a regular presence at international art fairs, it performs „institutional“ tasks as well, publishing the volume entitled The Second Public in Germain and in Hungarian and the results of the research-project on the history of privat collecting in the post-social area in the 20th century, titled Eastern European Collecting.

The gallery regularly organizes art tours to Brno, Bratislava, Bucharest, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prag, Sofia and Warsaw.

At the fair, we will present works by Ákos Birkás from several creative periods, Klára Rudas's Facts and Wonders series, as well as Otis Lauber's objects created by collection of small thing, that can be defined by humor and poetry.


Knoll Gallery Budapest

Address: 1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 10.





+36 20 416 1048

+ 36 1 267 38 42 (gallery)