Resident Art
For almost ten years, Resident Art has been a key player in the contemporary art scene and art market in Hungary. The programme of art historian János Schneller and artist Ákos Bánki differs in many ways from the traditional gallery approach, as their concept is based on education, cross-artistic programmes and personality. Through their innovative vision and authenticity, they have attracted many newcomers to the visual arts, and many art lovers, connoisseurs, buyers and collectors have become attached to the gallery. Since 2018, they have regularly organised art fairs under the name Resident Art Fair (RAF), showcasing emerging and up-and-coming artists. Many of them have bought or sold their first artwork here, and have become part of the art scene. Their portfolio also includes the distribution and trade of multiplied graphics from abroad and at domestic level, as well as the publication of screen print series. In their gallery, they organise solo and group exhibitions for their artists and collaborating partners approximately ten times a year. They are regular participants in art fairs. It is important to them to discover and manage young talent and to refocus and present completed life's works. From September, they welcome visitors with a renewed gallery at Bartók Béla Street 39.
- SWIERKIEWICZ Robert: Abszolut II
- Tölg-Molnár Zoltán: Húzott fénylő tétel
- Ádám Zoltán Szökőkút 1987 (1)
- Ádám Zoltán: Szökőkút 1987
Resident Art Gallery
Address: 1085 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 39.