
Kisterem was founded with the aim to showcase progressive tendencies of Hungarian contemporary art within its local settings and through international platforms. By representing both emerging talents and established artists as well as overlooked figures of the recent past, the gallery's operations are focused on exposing a particular narrative. At the core of its program, seven yearly exhibitions organised within its two spaces outline the scope of Kisterem's interest. In order to further draw the attention of its audience to adequate art practices, the gallery frequently participates in prominent art fairs, organises exhibitions in special venues such as the group exhibition of Kisterem artists entitled Finally We Can Learn Something at Kincsem Palace, and the presentation of Randomroutines and Anna Mark at DIT Vienna. Another pillar of the gallery's agency is the management and research of the oeuvre of their represented artists, and the publication of resulting catalogues – see Self-Powered Works, a catalogue raisonnée of the art of Ilona Keserü, or World Game (2022), an exploration of Ádám Kokesch's artistic practice. Kisterem's booth at this year's Budapest Contemporary will feature works by Ilona Keserü Ilona, Anna Mark; outstanding mid-generation artists such as Tamás Kaszás, Katalin Káldi, Ádám Kokesch, Krisztián Kristóf, and the Randomroutines duo; and works by young Hungarian artists Mátyás Fusz, Judit Fischer, Kitti Gosztola, Gergő Szinyova, Dominika Trapp, and András Zalavári.

Contact information

Address: 1053 Budapest, Képíró utca 5.


Open: Tuesday-Friday 14:00-18:00, or by appointment


Phone: +36 1 267 0522
