Initio Arts & Design
With its presence in Paris and Budapest, Initio Arts & Design emphasizes on international projects centred around Eastern European art and collectible design.
Initio Arts & Design was founded by the French-Hungarian couple, Marie Tourre de Robien and Bálint Ferenczy, who, after several years of experience in the art world in London, opened their first permanent space in Paris in 2022. Located at the world's largest antique market – the Marché Paul Bert Serpette – Initio’s concept is about combining art and design through curated exhibitions, art fairs, and collaborative projects.
At this year's Budapest Contemporary art fair, Initio showcases works from three of its represented artists. Visitors to the gallery's stand can see abstract expressionist canvases by Djoka Ivackovic, whose works are part of the Centre Pompidou collection; performance-based sculptures and photographs by Gáspár Szilárd, the 2023 winner of the Brancusi Fellowship in Paris; and sensitive ceramic creations by Sándor Kecskeméti.
Works available by:
Szilárd Gáspár
Djoka Ivackovic
Sándor Kecskeméti
- Djoka Ivackovic
- Djoka Ivackovic, Cím nélkül, 1975, olaj, papír, vászon, 170×160 cm
- Gáspár Szilárd, Action Wall, 2019, műgyanta, akril festék
Contact information
Initio Arts & Design
Páris | Budapest
Bálint Ferenczy & Marie Tourre de Robien
+3670 617 6281
Alley 2, Stand 1 és Alley 6, Stand 9
Marché Paul Bert Serpette
110 Rue des Rosiers
Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, 9340